Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunday Morning Blues...

Well, it is almost Sunday morning as I type this post..*sighs*.Now a days, it takes me a moment to recall the day of the week. The big bro's summer holidays makes the day of the week almost irrelevant..*smiles*

As you might have already guessed by now, I am a highly partial to earthy colours & I cannot imagine indigo/ blue on one of the walls of my home. On the second thoughts, it may actually look good on smaller sized walls. Note to self, to check out in next painting season..

But when it comes to ceramics & glasses, I am absolutely crazy about blues/ indigos..! I have a tiny corner in my kitchen, a home to my blue collection..! Have a look & let me know how you like it!
Bombay Sapphire blue bottle - Mumbai Chor Bazaar buy..! A post will be coming up on my loot from Chor Bazaar soon..!

Have a good weekend & great week ahead folks!

Linking this to Colours Dekor's Weekly Story


  1. Love love your collection..I want to have mty very own blue and white pottery collection. I am glad you changed the layout Manasa...easy to navigate now :)

  2. Lovely collection and you are maintaining it well. Looking forward to the Chor Bazaar post :)

  3. Thanks Nayana & Tanya for dropping by...!

  4. Nice collection!I like the blue bottle very much.

  5. Lovely my fav too
