Saturday, February 16, 2013

For the Love of Reading Corners...

Hey there!

Do you, my dear readers, love books? Well, we are a family of book lovers *smiles*. The genre differs from person to person in the family, but never the less we cannot fall asleep without few pages of hard, bound printed material *smiles*

Here is a tiny reading corner where I & children have spent hours reading or generally gazing out/ chatting.

Go on, have a look at our nook and I hope you will have as much fun as I had while lazing there *grin*. Have a great week guys!

Droplet acrylic on the wall done by Hubby
Larger view of Droplet..

Photo frames from Indya Kaleidoscope

Linking this post to Colours Dekor's Weekly Post

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Greens Featured at Colours Dekor

Hey there..!

Yet again I have not kept my promise of being regular on blogging world *sad*. Still I have not given up, I hope to get better with passing months *smiles*

Today, I would like to show you folks out there the greens of our home. The greens of our home was featured at Colours Dekor. This post is nearly 2 years old *Smiles* Do hop over to CK & have a look at our greens & let me know what you think about it!

